لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
پنجشنبه ۲۳ اسفند ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۰۳:۱۸

Persian Primetime lineup 12/2

Today’s woman will discuss the Reporters Without Borders Jury Prize of the Deutsche Welle International Web log Award recently given to the site of the One Million Signatures Campaign with phoner guest Ms. Zohreh Asad Pour, member of the Campaign from inside Iran. The remainder of the show will discuss the role of women in Ahmadinejad's government with guest Dr. Ali Reza Namvar Haghighi, sociologist based in Toronto.

News and Views will update on the investigation into the terror attacks in Mumbai. NaV also reports on President Bush’s recent “candid” interview where he discussed the high and low points of his presidency.
There’s also coverage of comments by Iranian parliament speaker Ali Larijani who said he is considering talks with members of the US Congress amid hopes for improved ties with the next administration in Washington.
From inside Iran there’s an interview with prominent lawyer A. Soltani. He’ll discuss the Iranian Judiciary’s announcement of the creation of a “web crimes” unit in the Public prosecutor's office.
There’s also an interview with the spokesman for the Azeries prisoners, A. Javanbakhat, to discuss an Iranian Azeri activist who has started a hunger strike at the Evin prison.

Roundtable hosts Ms. Farnoosh Torabi, the financial correspondent for Street.Com, a major financial news analysis outfit, and author of the financial self-help book " You are so money" will join us to talk about her book, as well as the ongoing financial crisis throughout the world. She is a regular on CNBC.

Late Edition looks at President Elect Obama’s new national security team. There’s also coverage of Google’s new “scholarly” search engine, rare violins being played in Russia, an exhibit of Impressionist paintings, and a report on the British Independent Film Festival.

Newstalk hosts Dr Rob Sobhani in DC and Nasser Mohammedi in London to discuss news of the day.