لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
شنبه ۶ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۰۷:۰۵

Persian Primetime lineup 11/28

Today’s Woman will discuss issues relating to HIV prevalence in Iran with guest Dr. Azita Sayan, psychologist based in Los Angeles.

News and Views updates on the latest from the terrorist attacks on Mumbai, with continued domestic and international reactions.
NaV covers comments by Iran's Vice President Esfandiar Rahim-Mashaei who said in an interview with Japan's Kyodo News Agency that his country would welcome talks between President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Barack Obama. The broadcast also covers reports that Russia will complete Iran's first nuclear power plant in 2009, Itar-Tass news agency quoted the head of Russia's state nuclear corporation as saying on Thursday.
Additional coverage include a report that the chief of the IAEA said that his agency's Syria probe has been hampered because key satellite images of an alleged nuclear reactor bombed by Israel are inexplicably unavailable on the market.

Roundtable hosts Mr. Alec Cartio, music video producer, will join from Los Angeles to discuss the latest trends in music video production and how he approaches each assignment, with regards to scene selection, talent, and other related topics.

Late Edition updates on the ongoing situation in Mumbai, India. There’s also a story about how oil prices affect nationalism in various countries, new facial recognition technology, a skateboarding class in a New York school, and an interview with Masoud Behnood, Iranian writer and Journalist, about his new book "khanoom."

Newstalk will discuss the role of the media in Iran. The guests are:
- Mashallah Shamsolva'ezin in Tehran (The spokesman for the Association of Iranian Journalists).
- Faraj Sarkouhi Frankfurt ( Iranan prominent journalist and media expert).
- Hassan Zerehi (Chief editor of a bi-lang - Persian/English weekly review in Northern America)