Today’s Womanfeatures discussions with the following:
--Mohammad Mostafayee, lawyer, about the pending execution in iran.
--Mohammad Olyaayeefard, lawyer, about the arrest of Mahdiye Golroo and 3 other students arrested following a sit-in earlier this week.
--And Abdolsamad Khorramshaahi, lawyer, about Mrs. Faateme Pazhooh and her case.
News and Viewsreports that Iran has successfully launched a rocket called "Kavosh 2," State TV said details about the homemade rocket will be announced later. There’s also coverage of reports that Iran's nuclear chief says Iran now has more than 5,000 centrifuges operating at its uranium enrichment plant.
--Mohammad Mostafayee, lawyer, about the pending execution in iran.
--Mohammad Olyaayeefard, lawyer, about the arrest of Mahdiye Golroo and 3 other students arrested following a sit-in earlier this week.
--And Abdolsamad Khorramshaahi, lawyer, about Mrs. Faateme Pazhooh and her case.
News and Viewsreports that Iran has successfully launched a rocket called "Kavosh 2," State TV said details about the homemade rocket will be announced later. There’s also coverage of reports that Iran's nuclear chief says Iran now has more than 5,000 centrifuges operating at its uranium enrichment plant.
NaV covers Iraq’s Parliament, which was expected to vote today on the Status of Forces Agreement. The pact would alter the conditions under which the roughly 146,000 U.S. troops in Iraq operate, and the broadcast also mentions reports that current US secretary of Defense Robert Defense will stay on in the new administration.
From inside Iran there’s an interview with the former Iranian President advisor Dr. Bidabaad who will discuss how the world's financial crisis affects Iran.
Roundtblefeatures it weekly viewer participation program, with call ins and emails about news of the week..
From inside Iran there’s an interview with the former Iranian President advisor Dr. Bidabaad who will discuss how the world's financial crisis affects Iran.
Roundtblefeatures it weekly viewer participation program, with call ins and emails about news of the week..
Late Editionupdates on the US/Iraq security pact. There’s also a description of the Thanksgiving holiday in the US, a live report about the student movement in Iran, a play performed by deaf actors, and a preview of the Doha International Film festival.
Newstalkfeatures political analysts Alireza Nourizadeh from London and Moshen Sazegara, in the DC studio to discuss news of the week.