لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
پنجشنبه ۲۳ اسفند ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۰۳:۴۹

Persian Primetime lineup 11/20

Today’s woman will discuss the importance of art for children including a phone interview with Ms. Nasrin Khosravi, painter and children's illustrator from Toronto, Canada.

News and Views continues its continuing coverage of the latest report by the International Atomic Energy Agency reveals that Iran is rapidly increasing its stockpile of enriched uranium, which could be rendered into weapons-grade material. We will have domestic and international reaction, as well as analysis from noted nuclear expert Joseph Cirncione. He’ll also discuss Syria’s nuclear program.
Joining the program on set is former Afghan Ambassador to the UN Wahaid Ullah to discuss Afghanistan’s political structure, and how it works for its citizens.
NaV also covers the Committee to Protect Journalists as it hands out this year's Press Freedom Awards.
From inside Iran there’s an interview regarding Daftar Tahkim Vahdat (Iranian Students Union) gathering in Tehran to appreciate some of the prominent human rights activists. The union gave its awards to Osanlou (Imprisoned head of the workers union), Kaboudvand (an imprisoned Kurdish human rights activists), and three others.

Dr. André Nel, Chief of Neuroscience at UCLA joins Roundtable to talk about Nano Technology advancements, as well as the recent international conference on Nano Technology hosted by Tabriz University in Iran.

Late Edition reports on the Global and domestic challenges facing president elect Obama. There’s also a story about plastic surgery in China, the anniversary of Kristallnacht, coverage of the Cairo Film Festival, and a review of the film new Disney film Bolt.

Newstalk features its weekly PNN journalists round-up to discuss news of the week.