لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
سه شنبه ۲۱ اسفند ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۰۳:۱۴

Persian Primetime lineup 10/30

Today’s Woman will include a generational analysis of Iranian women painters. The remainder of the show will discuss the status of detained women's rights activist Esha Momeni with our guest Ms. Fariba Davoudi Mohajer, women rights activist based near Washington.

News and Views continues it’s reporting of the Nanotechnology Conference currently being held at Tabriz University. Dr. Saeed Mohammadi, a nanotechnology expert at Purdue University in Indiana, is our phoner guest to talk about the issues. NaV will have a live report from Iraq concerning documents that allegedly show that Iran has interfered with the US/Iraq security deal.
There’s also coverage of the Reporters Without Borders findings on female bloggers or “cyber feminists”.
And from inside Iran there’s an interview with a former MP Sholeh Sadi, to discuss the newly appointed minister, Ali Kordan, who admitted in a September 27 letter that his Oxford University degree was invalid, and the reports that he may be impeached next week.

Roundtable features human rights official Mohammad Seifzadeh to discuss the Islamic Punishment Law.

Late Edition features a report on the Cuban American vote on the US presidential election. There’s also coverage of a chocolate fair in France, a vintage car show in England, Halloween horrors at Frankenstein’s castle in Germany, and a profile of the artist Heidi Khatami.

Newstalk features its weekly PNN journalists round-up