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سه شنبه ۲۱ اسفند ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۰۶:۲۷

Persian Primetime lineup 10/27

Today’s Woman features Dr. Mehrdad Mashayekhi, of Georgetown University, will be on set to discuss his recent article on Iranian women and next year’s election in Iran

News and Views reports that the Syrian government said four U.S. military helicopters attacked a target about five miles inside the Syrian border.
NaV also follows reports about the health of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad which have stirred speculation about whether he will run again for the presidency next June.
In its comprehensive reporting on the world economy NaV today features Dr. Karma Pakravan, former Vice President from JP Morgan, who will be on the phone to discuss the latest news.
From Inside Iran NaV interviews Abdollah Momeni. He’s the spokesman for Tahkim Vahdat, the Iranian student organization. In one of its meetings it showed a movie named “three women” which has not been showed in the cinemas yet. Security forces shut the meeting down.

Roundtable hosts Yalda Nourshahi, the Editor in Chief of a weekly magazine in Iran, whose operations was closed by the Iranian government, and Mohsen Namakian, both members of a human rights advocacy of Iran will be talking about the latest arrests in Iran, especially of the leader of their organization, Peyman Fattahi. Yalda is a phoner from Toronto, and Mohsen from another location.

Late Edition features an update on the US elections, and the political situation in Israel. There’s also a live medical and sports report, a story about actress Angelina Jolie’s involvement with Afghanistan, and feature on a new film starring the recently deceased comedian Bernie Mac.

Newstalk features a discussion with activist Elahe Hicks about human rights in Iran and around the world.