Today's Woman is making the economic downturn and it's impact on the art world the focus of their program. They hvae invited Jamshid Assadi, economics professor at American University in Paris to join us by phone from Paris. He will discuss how the economic downturn has effected international art markets in regards to both art prices and demand.
News and Views will focus on the continuing economic downturn and it's effects on world markets. NAV will also report on the OPEC's likely decision to cut oil production by up to three million barrels a day. Other elements of the program include a new study by Reporters without border's Press Freedom Index and the U.S. and Iran's rankings in the Index., as well as a report on a number of new studies on U.S./Iran relations.
Roundtable welcomes Ali Afshari to it's daily discussion of the day's news. Show will focus on the topics of Iran's holding of political prisoners, as well as the upcoming Iranian elections scheduled for this spring. The show will also set time aside to take your phone calls and emails.
Late Edition will take a look at the plight of refugees from the Russian/Georgian conflict as they return to their homes after the conflict. Late Edition will also focus on the health of Brazilian art Markets as well a look at a new Chanel Mobile that is traveling the U.S.
Newstalk held their traditional Thursday Reporters Notebook segment where our guests got the opportunity to look back at the events of the week and talk about their continuing impact and gauge the stories that are going to be making headlines next week.