Today's Woman: The show will begin with coverage of current events, focusing on issues related to women. Next, the show will include an environmental blog segment with phoner guest Dr. Ismael Kahram, environmental professor in Iran. The next segment will discuss the medical aspects of viagra for women followed by a segment dedicated to viewer emails
News and Views: U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says U.S.-Libyan
relations are "off to a good start" after she met with Libyan leader Moammar
Gadhafi during a visit to Libya's capital, Tripoli. U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney
has urged Ukraine's divided leaders to unite and establish closer ties with the
West to ward off external threats. Dmitry Medvedev said the war with
Georgia has shown the world that Russia is a nation to be reckoned with.The flagship of the US Navy's
Mediterranean fleet delivered 17 tons of humanitarian aid to a strategic
Georgian port.The widower of slain former
leader Benazir Bhutto succeeds PervezMusharraf as the president of
Pakistan, after winning a landslide victory.
States chief nuclear negotiator Christopher Hill said there is still no clear
indication that North Korea is attempting to resume work at its nuclear reactor
at Yongbyon. Our guest is Dr. Bahman Aghaii Diba
The First Two Days: Our guest, Dr. Manouchehr Ganji discusses Professor Abbas Milani, will review the legal process regarding the killing of the political prisoners in Iran in 1988 Persian year 1367
NewsTalk: The show will discuss Iran in the past week, with Dr. Mehran Barati, Dr. Bahman Aghaii Diba, and Mr. Jamshid Asadi