لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
جمعه ۱۷ اسفند ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۰۵:۴۵

Persian Primetime lineup 8/22

Today’s Women: The show begins with coverage of current events, focusing on issues related to women. Next, Los Angelespsychologist and family therapist Dr. Azita Sayan discusses how to maintain a happy marriage through open communication about intimacy.

News and Views:The show features two interviews from inside Iran.First, an interview with Nasim Ghanavi, attorney for jailed political activist and blogger Ahmad Daneshparvar and second, an interview with Attorney Mohammad Saifzadeh, on theexecution of minors in Iran.The show also offers a report on the latest development from Pakistanto find a successor for former President Pervez Musharaf, as well as an update on continuing violence between Pakistanand Afghanistan. PNN Correspondent Javanmardi reports on the new security agreement between the United Statesand Iraq. The shows also includes a report on the United States’ presidential campaign just days before the two party conventions. Finally, Dr. Richard Nelson Frye, professor emeritus of Iranian Studies will discuss, his career and his wishes to be buried in Iranupon the approval of Iranian authorities.

Roundtable : Host Ali Sarshar, sport commentator discusses the Iranian team’s successes and failures at the BeijingOlympic games.

Late Edition: Focuses on the latest development in Pakistanwhere a struggle for power is currently taking place among the various political parties. Journalist and blogger Omid Memarian, joins the show to discuss the 2008 Olympic games and human rights issues in China.

Newstalk : Siamak Dehghanpor anchors a special pre-convention program broadcast live from Washington, DC’s Newseum, with participation of Manouchehr Ameri, Vice Chairman, California Regional Water Quality, Chairman, World Affairs Council in CA. ®, Kouroush Hangafarin, Managing Director of Corbis Group, former Sasn Diego planning commissioner and member of Platform of the Republican Party®. Ahmad Taghvaie, Co-chair of Democrats for Obama in Virginia, former investment advisor in Kazakhstan, China, Moldovaand Executive Director of Iran Ayandehnegar (D). HomanFakhimi, is a successful lawyer , America’s Best TV Legal commentator Series, member of the finance committee for Obama in CA (D).