Today’s Woman will discuss issues women immigrants face with guest Dr. Foojan Zeine, Chief Executive Officer of Personal Growth Institute based in Los Angeles. Dr. Zeine has worked with immigrants, particularly women, for nearly a decade.
News & Views: Iranian Vice President Esfandiar Rahim-Mashaei has been summoned by parliament for having made pro-Israeli comments, ISNA news agency reported yesterday. The cultural commission of the parliament has called for a special session today with Rahim-Mashaei, where he will reply to "questions, ambiguities and criticism" by the deputies over the comments.
NaV will continue its reporting about Oxford U denying it gave a law degree to Iran’s interior minister Less than a week after being confirmed in his post, Ali Kordan is facing calls to resign after Ali Larijani, the speaker of Iran's parliament, the Majlis, ordered a committee to investigate the authenticity of his academic qualifications.
NaV will advance its reporting that the US Treasury prohibited Americans from doing business with five Iranian entities that it contended had provided support or materials to Iran’s nuclear and missile programs.
Roundtable will offer a 2008 Olympics report with sports Commentator Mr. Touraj Adibzadeh from Paris
Late Edition continues its coverage of the Russia/Georgia crisis. There’s also a story about eco-toursim in Cambodia, a report about the UK band Noah and the Whale, and a review of the new film Tropic Thunder, and an original story about the bicycle in modern American society.
Newstalk features political analyst Alireza Nourizadeh from London and Moshen Sazegara, in the DC studio. Topics include latest on Iran and the region.