لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
شنبه ۶ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۱۱:۲۴

Persian Primetime lineup 7/1

As an introduction to this year's Iranian Women's Studies Foundation (IWSF) conference "The Essential Needs of the Iranian Woman Today", Today’s Woman will discuss last year's IWSF conference "Achievements and Challenges of Iranian Women, Perspectives for their Future". The following segment will focus on long term and short term memory based on a recent New York Times article. In continuation of our weblog series, our last segment will discuss a blog about the way age imposes on behavior. No guest.

News and Views reports comments by a top US military official that any Iranian move to blockade the Strait of Hormuz would be considered as an "act of war". Iran would "not be allowed" to take control of the key oil route and an attempt to do so would provoke a "vigorous" international response, said outgoing Fifth Fleet Commander Vice-Admiral Kevin Cosgriff. We are efforting a phone interview with Cosgriff.
From inside Iran we will have reporting and interviews on the following:
Iran on Tuesday hanged a 19-year-old youth in prison in the central city of Isfahan after his conviction for murder.
Reports from Iran’s Press TV that an Iranian navy commander leading a unit that arrested 15 UK sailors in the Persian Gulf last year has survived an assassination attempt. Iranian state radio says that at least 25 people are killed and 16 injured in a bus accident near Tehran.

Roundtable has an interview with James Glassman, current under secretary of state and former BBG chairman. He will discuss US outreach efforts in the Middle East.

Late Edition will update the election situation in Zimbabwe. Other stories include China’s version of the TV series “Sex in the City,” making car fuel at home, and a small American town that host thousands on of international motorcycle fans.

Newstalk is joined by Nasser Mohamadi, via the London studio. Topics include the energy shortages in Iran, international reaction to Seymour Hersh’s article regarding US secret operations in Iran, and the sentencing of an Iranian for spying for Israel.