Today's Woman: The show will begin with coverage of current events, focusing on issues related to women. The next segment will discuss issues related to surrogacy, particularly the increase of surrogate mothers. The following segment will discuss a recent report about book reading in Iran. The last segment will include a Burma recovery update.
News and Views: The latest on Lebanon: Lebanese flags and pictures of army chief Michel Suleiman adorn Beirut's streets as parliament prepares to elect the consensus candidate as president. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said that Israel approached recently resumed negotiations with Syria "seriously" with a "very detailed and strict preparation". Dr. Mehrdad Khansari is our guest.
Round Table: Top Story: The 26th anniversary of Khorramshahr’s liberation in the Iran-Iraq war. Our guest is Massoud Behnoud, Journalist.
Late Edition: Top story: Israel and Syria talks regarding Golan Heights.
NewsTalk: The show will discuss the latest events of the world including Iran with our guests, Dr. Syrous Amouzgar, Dr. Mehrdad Khansari, and Dr. Siamak Jamshidi.