لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
پنجشنبه ۲۳ اسفند ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۰۳:۴۹

Persian Primetime lineup 5/6

Today’s Woman discusses different aspects of marriage with our in-studio guest psychologist Dr. Danesh Froghi, who will focus on the influence of age on marriage and long distance marriages.

News and Views: Iraqis are receiving the training at camps operated by Iran’s Quds Force, which has been accused of training and funneling weapons to Shiite extremists in Iraq, said Air Force Col. Donald Bacon. Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's plan for a special panel to investigate allegations of Iranian interference in Iraq. U.S. officials have now aired accusations against Iran, insisting that Tehran is stoking Iraq's violence by keeping up a flow of money, weapons and trained fighters into the country. We will have State Dept. spokesman David Foley give us some background on these stories. CENTCOM will comment, live on the phone, on a joint exercise where two carrier groups were placed in the Persian Gulf two weeks ago.

Mehdi Fakharzadeh, executive at Metropolitan Life in New York, joins Roundtable live from NYC today. This self-made millionaire will discuss how “nothing is impossible.”

Late Edition discusses a recent Freedom House report on civil rights in the US.

Newstalk features Nasser Mohamadi live from London and Elahae Boghrat, live from Berlin. Topics include Mohmamad Khatami under fire for accusing Iran's clerical leaders of supporting insurgents in the Middle East, poverty in Iran, and continuing labor and teacher strikes in Iran.