لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
شنبه ۶ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۰۷:۰۶

Persian Primetime lineup 4/9

Today’s Woman: The show will begin with coverage of current events, focusing on women-related issues, followed by discussion of former White House Press Secretry Dee Dee Myers’ new book, “Why Women Should Rule The World.” They there will be discussion of the implementation of women’s leadership through empowerment workshops. The show will close with a segment on Iranian bloggers and the role of woman in Iran. There will be o guests in today’s show.

News and Views: General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker testify at the House Armed Services Committee today at 9am. NAV will cover and focus on the language that the two witnesses used yesterday in the Senate describing the Iranian role in Iraq. They spoke of Tehran’s “nefarious activities,” its “malign influence” and how it posed “the greatest long-term threat to the viability” of the Baghdad government. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama called for a “diplomatic surge” including talks with US foe Iran to help stabilize the situation in Iraq, and Hilary Clinton called for more pressure on the Iraqi government to embrace political reconciliation and a regional “diplomatic surge that includes Iran.” Iranian, Emaddedin Baghi won the inaugural International Journalist of the Year Award at the British Press Awards. The award was presented Tuesday night during a ceremony in London. Drewery Dyke of Amnesty International accepted the award on behalf of Mr. Baghi from David Cameron, leader of the Conservative Party. NAV will have an audio interview with Dyke, along with stills of the event and of Baghi. Efforting a interview regarding reports that two Baluch Sunni religious leadrs have een condemmedto death after making false confessions under severe torture. Moulavi Mohammad Youssuf Sohrabi and Moulavi Abdol Qoddos Mollazeh who were teaching in a theological school in Chah Jamal, Baluchistan were arrested after the security forces ttacked the base of Peoples Resistance Movement (PRMI) of Iran in which 8 people were killed. NAV will investigate reports that five British hostages who were kidnapped in Iraq last yeadcr may be being held in Tehran, the Iranian capital, according to intelligence reports received by the Foreign Office. Heny Precht, will be a live in studio guest on NAV today. He is a retired American diplomat and was head of the Iran desk at the State Department when Carter broke off relations with Iran to discuss that decision on April 7, 1980. The “Inside” Iran segment will include interviews with Dr. Azadeh Kian a professor of sociology in Paris about “honor killings” in Iran

Roundtable Guest is Dr Esmail Khoei, an eminent Iranian poet and writer, by polycom from London, where he now resides. Topic is “Socio-cultural policies of the Islamic Republic”

Late Edition:

NewsTalk: Contributors Alireza Nourizadeh & Mohsen Sarzgara discuss the latest from Iran, Iraq and the region.