لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
سه شنبه ۱۵ خرداد ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۰۶:۱۷

Persian Primetime lineup 3/27

Today's Woman: The show will begin with coverage of President Bush's speech on Iraq from the National Air Force Museum in Dayton, OH.. According to the AP, the President plans to offer "a fresh assessment of progress on political, security and economic fronts in Iraq as he weighs a decision on troop levels." Later, a discussion about women and sports in Iran with our guest Ms. Solmaz Sharit, founder of the online publication Shir Zanan that is dedicated to Iranian women sports. The second segment will discuss medical issues relating to fibromyalgia and the last segment will include a package regarding Japanese men that undergo father training.

News & Views: Our broacast leads with the President's speech in Dayton, OH. The latest from Iraq where "Tens of thousands of Shiites took to Baghdad's streets to protest the government crackdown on militias in Basra as heavy fighting between Iraqi security forces and gunmen erupted for a third day in the southern oil port and the capital." The latest from Tibet where “a group of monks shouting there was no religious freedom disrupted a carefully orchestrated visit for foreign reporters to Tibet's capital Thursday”

Roundtable: Mr Mostafa Arab, a former member of Iran's National Soccer Team. Mr Arab is coming from California to attend our program tomorrow to discuss the Iran-Kuwait match which is part of the world cup qualifying series.

Late edition intervews academy award winning filmmaker and cinematographer Ghasem Ebrahimian.

NewsTalk hosts it weekly PNN editors and contributors roundtable to discuss the news of the week.