لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
جمعه ۱۷ اسفند ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۰۶:۵۷

Persian Primetime lineup 2/26

Today's Woman: The first segment of the show will cover the most related news regarding women. Next, the show as a part of a series will continue to discuss parliamentary elections in Iran and elsewhere. There is a package highlighting the election process in Pakistan. The phoner guest from Iran is lawyer Dr. Sayeed Mohammad Safezadeh.

News & Views: Reports the IAEA presented documents Monday that diplomats said indicate Iran may have focused on a nuclear weapons program after 2003 — the year that a U.S. intelligence report says such work stopped. Iran again denied ever trying to make such arms. The chief Iranian delegate to the International Atomic Energy Agency, dismissed the information showcased by the body as "forgeries." We also have reaction the the US prediction of a swift vote on new UN sanctions against Iran following a strategy session Monday, as Iran again denied ever trying to build nuclear weapons. The U.N. Security Council is expected to approve the new sanctions, likely within a week to 10 days. Vali Nasr, Council of Foreign Relations, comments on the political situation in Pakistan.

Roundtable: Contributor Alireza Nourizadeh discusses the parliamentary elections in Iran.

Late Edition reports on the latest on the Turkish incursion in Northern Iraq.

NewsTalk: Contributors Nasser Mohammadi and Rob Sobhani discuss latest on the IAEA report on Iran's nuclear program, labor strikes in various Iranian cities and Iran's economy.