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Persian Primetime lineup 2/14

Today's Woman- Today's Woman discussed the awarding of the Olof Palme Prize 2007 to Parvin Ardalan for her work in the Iranian Women's movement. The announcement of the award noted "her commitment and insistent work represents a path of democracy and dialogue in a region filled with conflict." No guest.

News & Views- Followed up its reporting yesterday that Iran has postponed talks with the US on how to end the violence in Iraq, officials announced, a day before the meeting was to be held. US and Iraqi officials said Tehran had given no reason for its absence from the planned trilateral talks on Friday. State spokesman David Foley will comment on these stories as well as other news of the day. In our Washington Report we get reaction to reports that Iran has introduced small amounts of uranium gas into advanced centrifuges it is testing at its main nuclear complex, diplomats said.

Roundtable- Mary Apic, Best Cinema Actor in Moscow Festival, actress, dancer, etc. will examine Art and theater after the Islamic Revolution. She will be in Washington studio.

Newstalk- Thursday PNN journalist's roundtable. Topics include: The anniversary of the Iranian Revolution, IAEA chief El Baradei's trip to Paris, Turkish protests over the headscarf. Ali Saajadi will join Mr. Charlangi in the studio. Mohamed Reza Shahid will be live from a studio in Paris. Nazanine Ansari live via London polycom. Ali Javanmardi on the phone.

Late Edition- Reports on Lebanon: the anniversary of Hariri's assassination and the funeral of slain Hezbollah terrorist Imad Moughniyah. A report on Valentine's Day.