لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
شنبه ۶ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۱۸:۰۰

Persian Primetime lineup 2/12

Today's Woman: The show, as a part of a series, will continue to discuss the process of parliamentary elections in Iran and elsewhere. The United States presidential elections will be highlighted and there will be a package regarding the elections in Serbia. The phoner guests will be journalist Shamsol Vaezin and human rights spokeswoman Narges Mohammadi from Iran.

News & Views covers reports that the latest round of talks between U.S. and Iranian officials on Iraqi security will get underway in the next few days, Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshiyar Zebari said on Tuesday. "We're putting all our efforts into organizing the next round of Iranian-American talks in Baghdad. We expect the next round of these talks will start literally in the next few days," Zebari told a news conference during a visit to Moscow. will enhance reporting of this story with an exclusive wide ranging interview with Nicholas Burns. He alludes to the next Iran/US meeting and discusses what he expects Iran to bring to the table for negotiations. We will also have an interview from the State Dept with David Foley who will give us live commentary on the latest info on the meeting, as well as other news of the day. We continue our reporting and analysis on the anniversary of the Iranian Revolution. We have in studio guest, Foud Pashai, secretary general of the constitutionalst party of Iran, where he succeeded the founder, Darioush Homayoun (who was our guest on Monday). Live report from a polling place in Arlington, VA where voters are casting their ballots in the Virginia Presidential Primary. Additionally voters are going to the polls in DC & Marylan in what is being dubbed the "Potomac Primary."

Roundtable hosts author, researcher and human rights activist Parviz Dastmalchi to discuss women's rights under the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Late Edition reports on Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's visit to Germany.

NewsTalk Guests: Rob Sobhani will be in the DC studio Naser Mohamedi live via the London polycom Political researcher and member of Iranian writer's union Kazem Kardawni will be on the phone live from Berlin. The topics will center around a continuation of our Iranian Revolution anniversary analysis.