لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
یکشنبه ۱۵ مهر ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۱۳:۰۵

Persian Primetime Lineup 1/22

Today's Woman: The U.S. Presidential election and the role of Hillary Clinton as a female candidate. A discussion of the history of the women's movement in US and its role in previous presidential elections. Our guest is Shokoh Mirzadegi who will join us later in the show from Denver, Colorado. We'll begin with a brief discussion of Roe v. Wade's 35th anniversary.

News & Views: We lead with the P5+1 meeting in Berlin which will consider a new round of sanctions against Iran. Foreign ministers of the five permanent Security Council members plus Germany should reach an agreement on a draft resolution at a key meeting Tuesday in Berlin, a French diplomat said. Peter Rodman of The Brookings Institution Middle East Expert, and former DOD and State Official, discusses with us the P5 plus one meeting in Berlin on a possible third round of sanctions against Iran. Iran received the fifth shipment of nuclear fuel from Russia on Tuesday for it's first nuclear powerplant being built at the Gulf port city of Bushehr, state media reported. About 40 percent of the 7,200 people who have registered to run in Iran's March parliament election "have a record" with the authorities, a senior official said Monday, an indication they would not be allowed to run.

Roundtable: Cultural censorship under Ahmadinejad's administration and underground publishing in Iran is discussed today with Sheida Mohamadi, a young Iranian poet, writer, and journalist from Los Angeles who has published her latest poetry collection underground in Iran after the cultural ministry refused to print her book.

Late Edition reports on the P5+1 meeting in Berlin.

NewsTalk topics include the upcoming parliamentary elections in Iran and the spat between the Speaker of the Majilis and President Ahmadinejad; the P5+1 meeting in Berlin. Participants include contributors Nasser Mohammadi and Rob Sobhani.