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دوشنبه ۲۹ بهمن ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۰۱:۰۶

Persian Primetime lineup 12/14

Today's Woman interviews Dr. Danesh Froghi, a psychologist, on the phenomenon of long distance marriages.

News & Views: Iranian reformists announce a coalition inspired by ex-president Mohammad Khatami to win back parliament and save Iran from the "crisis" they said was created by his successor Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The coalition brings together 21 moderate parties, including the allies of ex-presidents Khatami and Akbar Hashemi Ranfsanjani, to fight conservatives in the legislative elections on March 14. Additionally we’ll cover IAEA ambassador Gregory Schulte comments in Dubai regarding the discussions of denuclearizing the Middle East. Former Ambassador Djerejian who was the ambassador to Tel Aviv as well as Damascus in 1990s will join live from the studios of the Baker Institute in Rice University to talk about what comes next after Annapolis to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict. Former Iranian diplomat Mr. Geranmayeh will join us live on the phone from London to discuss Iran/Russia ties after Iran’s foreign minister Motakki’s meetings in Moscow.

Roundtable hosts Dr. Saeed Payvandi, a professor of sociology in Paris, will discuss the impact of domestic propaganda (Death to America) on individuals and society, starting in early education through university to the workplace. We will also have a phoner with Dr. Nezhat Farnoudi, an LA based psychiatrist, who will discuss its psychological impact on Iran's youth.

Late Edition reports on the Iowa Caucuses, their role in electing an American President and how they work.

Newstalk hosts its weekly roundup of significant weekly news with VOA correspondent Siamak Dehganpour and contributors Shayan Samaii & Babak Yektafar.