لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
سه شنبه ۲۱ اسفند ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۱۴:۰۹

Persian Primetime lineup 12/11

Today's Woman discusses women in the workplace. Leading.

News & Views broadcast today will be coverage of the preliminary sanctions plan drafted by France under consideration by leading members of the U.N. Security Council Diplomats from the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany are to discuss the draft by telephone on Tuesday. Sharon Squassoni, Senior Associate Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, will join us live on set to discuss the NIE report and other Iranian and international nuke issues. Dr. Peter Bechtold, an Egypt expert an the retired Director of Arabic and Middle East Studies at the Foreign Service Institute, will join us live on set to discuss Egypt and Iran’s relationship. Bilal Y. Saab, Senior Researcher for Middle East policy at Brookings Institution, will join us live from the Brooking’s studio to discuss the Lebanese presidential election. From inside Iran will continue to advance the student protest story and will have an interview with the mother of an arrested student who was detained during last week’s demonstrations and Tehran University.

Roundtable discusses human rights in Iran as a basis for unity among opposition groups with author and historian Dr. Nader Paymaie and Dr. Foaud Peshai, General Secretary of the Constitutional Movement.

Late Edition airs a VOA interview with outgoing Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Karen Hughes.

Newstalk hosts Shahin Fatemi, contributor Nasser Mohammadi and energy expert/VOA contributor Rob Sophani to discuss the IAEA talks in Tehran, the Iran-China oil deal and the latest on the student demonstration.