لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
جمعه ۲۶ بهمن ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۱۲:۳۶

Persian Primetime lineup 11/6

Today's Woman explores women and breast cancer.

News & Views: In today’s Washington Report we’ll cover reports that the US military in Iraq says it intends to release nine Iranians being held there, including two detained on suspicion of helping Shia militias. We will have a report from Ayaz Gul on the situation in Pakistan. This week a woman activist is sentenced for her involvement in a protest a year ago against laws that repress women in Iran. She is to receive 2 yrs 6 mos in prison, as well as “10 lashes.” We interview her lawyer as well as another activist involved in the protest. A House debate on a resolution that welcomes French President Sarkozy today. The resolution puts an emphasis on his tough policies towards Iran.

Roundtable with You: Alireza Nourezadeh discusses the Iraq neighbors conference, the tension between Turkey and the PKK, and the crisis in Pakistan.

Late Edition reports on the practice of lobbying in Washington.

NewsTalk discusses the latest tensions between Iran and America; latest news and a look back at the Iranian hostage crisis. Dr. Shahin Fatemi and Mr. Nasser Mohammadi join us.