لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
شنبه ۶ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۰۷:۰۰

Persian Primetime lineup 3/29

NewsTalk examines the Arab Summit and Iran. Panelists include Ali Afshari (studio/DC) Student Activist; Alireza Nourizadeh (polycom/London) Political Analyst; and Safa Haeri (phoner/Paris) Journalist, Iran Press Service.

News & Views has the latest on the British sailors captured by Iran, and U.S. reaction to the situation. Also, Undersecretary of State for Near East Nicholas Burns is testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Defense Secretary Gates is testifying before the House Appropriations Committee. Report on economic impact of new sanctions. Part 2 of Setareh Derakhshesh's interview with Iranian activist Akbar Ganji.

Roundtable hosts Ehssan Zahedani (polycom/LA), Student activist. Topic to be discussed will be the Student movement in Iran.

Late Edition reports on Global Electoral Organization. Also, guest via phone will be actress/filmmaker Hilda Hashempour in Toronto. She made a short film on discrimination against women around the world.