News talk examines Iran, the US and Middle East with Sohrab Sobhani, Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University/energy consultant, Homa Sarshar, freelance journalist and Fariborz Saremi, a political researcher.
News & Views has a live report from State regarding ongoing tensions over U.S. concern about Iran's involvement in Iraq. More on our interview with NSC spokesman Gordon Johndroe. A live report from Irbil Iraq from correspondent Nazzy Beglari. Live report from Capitol Hill correspondent Siamak Deghanpour where two hearings are underway: House International Relations hearing on Iran and Senate Foreign Relations hearing on Iraq with testimony expected from former Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright. Dehganpour interviews House International Relations Chairman Tom Lantos.
Roundtable reviews the most significant news items in U.S.-Iranian relations in the month of January and opens up the phone lines. "Voice of the Iranian People". We'll also play a soundbite from this week's Persian Service interview with NSC Spokeman Gordon Johndroe in which Mr. Johndroe asks the Iranian people whether it is more important for the Islamic Republic to pay for militants in Hezbollah and Iraq or to take care of domestic concerns. We'll pose this question directly to our viewers.
Late Edition has a live report from Persian Service producer Saman Arbabi in the Nothern Iraqi Kurdish city of Irbil.