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خبر فوری
سه شنبه ۲۱ اسفند ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۰۳:۴۱

Persian Primetime lineup 12/7

NewsTalk: Iraq Study Group report. National Endowment for Democracy's Ali Afshari, political analyst & journalist Alireza Nourizadeah and Safa Haeri, a journalist with the Iran Press Service.

News & Views covers congressional reaction to the ISG report live from a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing. Reaction from Iran & Iraq. President Bush meets with British Prime Minister Tony Blair at the White House. State Department report on upcoming Iran elections.

Roundtable discusses Student Day in Iran with former student leaders/political prisoners Amir Abbas Fakhravar and Kuroush Sehati.

Late Edition leads with the Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on the Iraq Study Group. Late Edition’s Behnam Nateghi interviews former Le Monde reporter Claire Trean, Paris-based author of The Iranian Paradox, a book on the contradiction between Iran’s society and culture with the pronouncements of the Islamic regime.